Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Welcome, Ashlynne Grace

Ashlynne Grace Mabin

April 22, 2010
1:14 AM
8 pounds, 2 ounces
21 inches

She has finally arrived. The big event came very fast. We arrived at the hospital at 11:30 pm and she was born at 1:14 am on Mom's birthday. I had no time to get an epidural but I only pushed for a few minutes. We weren't t able to hold her immediately because she had the cord around her neck and came out blue.....God was watching over us and taking care of us because she is perfect and healthy!!

I was in love as soon as I saw her...holding her was magical. It brought back memories of holding my sweet Michael. It is amazing how quickly my heart filled with love! Here are some shots of our sweet angel.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Kristen!

It's Andrea, from Abington Peds. I was trying to look for you on facebook without luck, but somehow came across this blog. Just wanted you to know that I did try.

You have a beautiful family! I'm going to keep trying to work at Abington (well Jamison) every now and then, so hopefully I'll see the kids again.

Have a wonderful holiday!!