Monday, December 29, 2008


October 28

Colin came for a visit today and we got lots of snow. The boys spent some time together looking out the front door at all the snow, ice, and rain.

October 25

On the way to the Marconi Halloween Party


October 25

I am so happy because Michael loves to read books with Mommy and Daddy. He has started to go to his bookshelf several times a day and bring books for me to read to him. His favorite book right now is his truck book from his Godfather, Pete. He is absolutely obsessed with trucks and this book. I feel like we read it a million times a day. When I put it back on the shelf, I try to hide it but somehow he always finds it!


October 25

Michael has just started to enjoy coloring...especially with Daddy.

Tight Pants

Mike in my pajama bottoms being funny!

Wild Boys

October 23

Today, Nolan came over for the day and we had this new car garage out from Grandma. The boys played with the cars for a few minutes and then figured out how to climb on top of it to slide down the ramp. All day long, I fought with the boys and continued to tell them not to climb on top. Mom and Ashlynne were over later and the boys tried to climb on top one time and, Ashlynne and Mom proceeded to cheer them on. Needless to say, all that discipline went out the window and the boys were pleased as punch!!

Love to Swing with Mommy

October 22

Sesame Place

October 19

Today, Ashlynne, Nolan, Michael, and I went to Sesame Place for the first time. The boys had so much fun. The highlights were the carousel and the huge slide! Michael also had a blast in the padded kids zone where he ran around like crazy! Ashlynne and I were exhausted after only a few hours of fun. Can't wait for next year to bring Daddy back.

Pumpkins on Parade

October 18

Tonnight, we met Ashlynne, Matt and Nolan for a Halloween Festival. The boys picked out pumpkins, made scarecrows, ran through a scary maze, and played on the playground while dressed up as dragons. They were the cutest little dragons there and we had a great time!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Michael and Pop

October 17

Out at a restaurant with MiMi and Pop. This picture makes me laugh...Michael tasting a lemon for the first time. He's full of personality!!

Scarecrow Festival

October 11

We took Michael to the scarecrow festival again this year in Peddler's Village. The #1 scarecrow was Horton this year.

I also posted these pictures of Mike and Michael walking together. I just love to see Michael kick his little feet up and start running!

Fall Fun

October 5

We took Michael to a garden center today to pick up corn stalks and a hay bale. He had so much fun looking at the fish and pointing out all the pumpkins. He is now saying hi and bye-bye to people. He also loves the black Halloween cats and has learned to sign cat.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fun with Nolan

September 25

Pictures of the boys chasing each other around the back yard. It has become so easy to have the boys together because they entertain each other.

Look out... here comes trouble!!

September 24

Looks like Michael has been busy having lots of fun!! This happened right after he threw soil from my plant all over the front room in the house!!!

Also, a few days ago, I went downstairs to put in a load of laundry and Michael somehow locked me in the basement. Thank goodness Mike was home to rescue me!!


September 23
Michael and I went to the Elmwood Zoo today with some friends. He is really interested in snakes right now so we picked up one at the zoo. I think it looks cute with his camouflage pants.

Michael also loves kisses and tickling. He likes to smell the flowers in the front of the house. He loves to help feed Clover. He has started coming to our bedroom door when he is done napping on our bed. It really surprised me the first time he did it. He also has started this new thing of laying down whenever he is tired. Aimee was at Robby's school with Michael and they were walking around outside. He laid down in the middle of the sidewalk!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blue Park

We love taking Michael to the park. He is getting much better at climbing and running and exploring. He loves the tunnels and slides. Mostly, he loves to talk and wave to the other children and parents. It is very cute to see him interact with others.

September 22

These are pictures of Michael playing with his Fridge Phonics. He has mastered putting the letters in and out to hear their sounds. When he is done with that he will usually put them into the bread drawer!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

King of the Sand

Michael loves to play in the sand when we are at the beach. So, the Porco and Gerstberger families got him a sandbox for his first birthday. This sandbox is the most beautiful and biggest sandbox I have ever seen. Leave it to his Aunts to only get the best!! Finally, we set it up today. Here are pictures of Michael in his new sandbox.

The day has finally come....

September 21

Mike has been talking about this day for as long as I can remember. He has been wanting to take Michael to PennFab to ride on the forklift. We went to PennFab today to pick up the sand for Michael's sandbox. It was actually perfect timing because Michael is just starting to love trucks. Of course, Mike took him for a ride in the big truck and the forklift. He really enjoyed the truck but was a little scared in the forklift at first. It was sweet to see Mike so excited.