Thursday, May 29, 2008

9 Month Picture

Michael is 9 Months Old

Michael is 9 months old and full of personality. He is crawling aound the house like an expert. If we say, "Come on Michael" he will follow us around the entire house. When I say, "I'm gonna get you" he crawls as fast as he can the other way and giggles until I pick him up!! It is so adorable. He is also taking some steps behind his little car. He is opening and closing every drawer and cabinet in the whole house and emptying them any chance he gets. His favorite activites are playing with Clover, throwing or rolling his ball, climbing up and down the steps, reading books, and dancing with Mommy. He also loves swimming and music. His favorite foods are pears and strawberry milkshakes!

He is such an amazing little boy and I am more and more fascinated with him everyday. It is such an awesome miracle to watch him become such a sweet, caring and wonderful person. I never knew I could love someone so much!!

Michael weighed 19 pounds 8 ounces and was 28 inches at his 9 month appointment.

April 26, 2008

My two handsome guys

April 19

Why did Mommy put me in this basket?

April 18, 2008....anything for a cute picture of my sweet little Michael!

Birthday Girl

April 17, 2008

Swinging Together

April 17, 2008


April 16, 2008

These are pictures of Michael playing rat-a-tat-tat on the table in our family room. Ever since he has been able to stand, he gets so excited to pound on the table. I think he learned this from watching Nolan. Both the boys will stand by the table and drum on and off all day. When they drum together they both start to squeal. After drumming on the table, we were so excited because Michael took a few steps over to see Daddy on the couch!

Monday, May 19, 2008

First Hair Cut

April 15, 2008

I have been putting this off for a long time. I swore I wouldn't cut Michael's hair until he was a year old. The problem was that his hair was getting in his eyes all the time. Tonight after he shared an Oreo cookie with Daddy, I trimmed his bangs while he sat on Daddy's lap. I saved his hair for his baby book. I felt like I could cry a little afterwards because I think he looks a little more grown up!

Michael and Daddy

April 14, 2008

April 14, 2008

Look at Michael standing up in his crib! He has really mastered this new trick. When he calls me during the night I find him standing up and peeking over the side of the crib looking at the door. It is the sweetest thing. Most of the time he gives me a big smile when I open the door. These pictures were taken right after his bath. Look at him smiling..he is so proud of himself!

Michael and Pop

April 12, 2008

Michael loves

the park. He loves to swing and I took him down the slide today. Afterwards, Mommy, Daddy and Michael took a walk around the park.

April 12, 2008

Strolling with Nolan

April 10, 2008

I took Nolan and Michael out today in the double jogger for a walk in the beautiful sunshine. Nolan and Michael had on their matching hats...they just looked so darn cute!