Monday, August 13, 2007

Puppy Love

Ever since we first brought Michael home from the hospital, Clover has been very interested in him. She insists on sleeping next to his bassinet at night, despite the constant attempts to get her to sleep on her bed!! When he cries at night, she will peek her little head into the bassinet to see what is going on. It is very sweet!! We have tried to get some pictures of Michael with Clover but it is very challenging because Clover gets too excited.

Lately, I have noticed that Michael has become fascinated with Clover. Just the other day, I was so excited to have Michael try the bouncer seat for the first time. I put him in the seat and he looked at the lights for a few seconds, but then he saw his buddy, Clover, off to his right side. For the next 5 minutes he stared at Clover!!


Ashlynne said...

that is so sweet. Rudy and Winston were also always trying to get their noses into the bassinet

Aimee said...

great are a natural blogger...telling a story and sharing the love.

can't wait to see Michael