Today, Michael, Grandma and I spent some time outside planting our flowers. Michael had a ball! He played with the hose and the mulch and was soaked and covered in dirt within minutes. Also, he found his shadow for the first time while crawling on the driveway. He did this new alligator crawl. It was so cute and Grandma was so thrilled. Pretty smart...protecting his knees while on the hard driveway!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
May 17th
Today, Michael, Grandma and I spent some time outside planting our flowers. Michael had a ball! He played with the hose and the mulch and was soaked and covered in dirt within minutes. Also, he found his shadow for the first time while crawling on the driveway. He did this new alligator crawl. It was so cute and Grandma was so thrilled. Pretty smart...protecting his knees while on the hard driveway!!
Watch out...
here comes Michael!! Michael is getting more and more daring while cruising around the house with his little car. He is really getting good on the hard wood floor and now he will let go with one hand to hold a toy or to turn his head to look behind him. He is also pushing other items around the house. The other day I found him pushing his high chair through the kitchen to help him walk!!!
May 16th
May 15th
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Mother's Day Treat
To celebrate Mother's Day, Mike, Michael, and I went to the Camden Aquarium. This was Michael's first time. Mike's favorite part was the sharks and I really loved the sea turtles...they are always my favortie. Michael seemed interested in the sting rays. He tried to reach out and touch them through the glass. But, Michael's favorite part was definetly the jelly fish. There was a tank full of them that had lights that made them glow. He started to flap his arms and legs and squeal. He just really seemed fascinated by them and the people around us seemed to really be enjoying Michael's delight. I loved my first Mother's Day treat with Mike and Michael. I can't wait to take Michael back to the aquarium!
May 10th
Driving with Daddy
May 8th
Michael loves to drive the truck in the driveway with his Daddy. He loves beeping the horn and holding onto the steering wheel. Here he is helping Daddy park the truck in the driveway after a long day at work. What a wonderful greeting when first getting home....Mike is one lucky man. I love Mike and Michael's expressions in these pictures...pure delight...pure love!
May 7, 2008
Today, Ashlynne watched Michael for me while I worked. It is always hard to leave him but I know he has so much fun with Nolan and his wonderful Aunt. Today, Ashlynne had him in the sandbox for the first time. I took pictures of him right before I left for work. He wasn't so sure at first but eventually he started to run his hands over the sand. Ashlynne took the boys outside to play while I went to work. I talked to her on the phone and she said they were both covered in dirt and sand. They had so much fun outside that she had to give them both a bath before they took a nap. Michael is so lucky to have such an awesome Aunt!!
Happy 80th Birthday PopPop!
We celebrated PopPop O'Neill's 80th birthday at the beach house. Michael has been talking more and more everyday, and, at the dinner table he spent a period of time banging his hands on the table and talking to all of us. It was very sweet. Of course he was the center of attention and MiMi, Aunt Jill, Aunt Heather and I took many pictures. It was very cute because he seemed to love all the attention. Afterwards, I sat him on PopPop's lap to get a picture of them together.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Fun Festival
Morning Exercise
May 3rd
This morning Mike, Michael and I went for a walk/run/bike ride on the boards. It felt great to get up early and and start our day. It was cold and windy so we all bundled up. Mike took Dad's new bike out and I pushed Michael in the stroller. It was such a magnificent site to watch the ocean while we did a little exercise.
On our way to Ocean City...
we stopped for a diaper change. Mike put Michael in the passenger seat while I ran into the rest stop. These are picture of Michael hamming it up for the camera. He was so excited to be sitting in my seat and the wind was really blowing fast. Every time he stuck his head out of the window he would smile and squeal!
May 2nd
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