Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Cutie Pie

August 23, 2007

Michael is just so cute....even when he is crying!!! Here are some more funny faces of my cutie pie!! He is four weeks old in these pictures.

My Boys

August 18, 2007

I love watching Mike and Michael grow closer everyday. As soon as Mike gets home from work, he wants to cuddle with Michael right away. Every night, we spend family time together on the activity mat. I love seeing the way Mike looks at Michael...he just melts everytime he sees him. They are forming such an amazing bond. Michael recognizes his voice and smiles more and more with daddy each day! I feel so blessed everytime I see the love they share. Here are my two favorite boys playing on the activity mat together.

Visit with Colin

August 15, 2007

Today, Michael and I went to visit Aunt Heather and Colin. We had such a fun time. It was wonderful seeing Colin with Michael. I know they will grow to be the best of friends. We actually got a few great pictures of Colin and Michael together. Colin was very sweet with Michael. Look at these two handsome boys!!!

Getting Bigger-Three Weeks Old- August 16, 2007

I wanted to wait until Mike got home from work to take Michael's three week picture. Of course, I forgot until I got him down for bed in his bassinet. So, I took a picture of him sleeping....it was so cute, I just had to take another. So, when I took a second picture, he woke up!!! Here is our adorable three week old!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Fast Friends

August 17, 2007

What a sweet moment....Nolan is only 4 months old but is already so endearing. I had Michael on the changing table and went to get the camera. Michael started crying and Nolan grabbed his hand....how sweet. Of course, Michael stopped crying! What a great big cousin!!!!

First Trip Out to Eat

August 12, 2007
Today, we took Michael out to eat for the first time. Of course, we went to Red Robin because it is smoke free. It was fun...we met Matt, Ashlynne, and Nolan. Michael slept the entire time. Here are the boys on the front bench after dinner...both sleeping.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Funny Faces

Some of Michael's funny faces that we love.........

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Getting Bigger-Two Weeks Old - August 9, 2007

These are pictures from Michael's two week birthday. He is growing so quickly!! I love how he opens his mouth when we give him kisses and he has discovered the mobile over the changing table. Also, he is getting his own little personality! Boy, can he get mad when he is hungry. It is so cute-his face gets all red and he starts to complain (I call this gritzin). We just love him so much!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Puppy Love

Ever since we first brought Michael home from the hospital, Clover has been very interested in him. She insists on sleeping next to his bassinet at night, despite the constant attempts to get her to sleep on her bed!! When he cries at night, she will peek her little head into the bassinet to see what is going on. It is very sweet!! We have tried to get some pictures of Michael with Clover but it is very challenging because Clover gets too excited.

Lately, I have noticed that Michael has become fascinated with Clover. Just the other day, I was so excited to have Michael try the bouncer seat for the first time. I put him in the seat and he looked at the lights for a few seconds, but then he saw his buddy, Clover, off to his right side. For the next 5 minutes he stared at Clover!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Meeting Great MomMom

August 7, 2007

Uncle Gerry, Aunt Carol, Deanna and MomMom came to visit today. I couldn't wait to introduce them to Michael!! We celebrated Uncle Gerry's birthday with a delicious cheesecake that Mom made....it was so beautiful...it looked like something that The Barefoot Contessa had made herself!!

I love this pictue of Michael and Nolan looking at each other...I know they will be the greatest friends!!

Family Fun

August 4, 2007

This morning, after I got out of the shower, I found Michael napping with his daddy on the front sofa. They looked so sweet...I just had to get a picture. I guess Mike has found a new napping buddy!!!

Steve and Heather brought Colin over to our house today to meet the baby for the first time. It was very difficult to get a picture with Colin and Michael together. Colin was running around playing with the remote...he is just so cute...we just couldn't get him to sit still!! Jillian and Joe came to visit as well. It is so nice to see how much everyone loves the baby. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful and caring family.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Family Love

It is so much fun to see Michael with Katie, Robby and Nolan!! I know my dad would be so proud. I feel like our family has grown to be so wonderful...I just wish my dad were here to share it with us! Katie, Robby and Nolan have been so amazing with Michael...I just can't wait to see the love continue to grow. I don't think there is anything more special than sharing our love with one another!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Happy 1 Week Birthday

August 2, 2007- Today was Michael's one week birthday. I can''t believe he is already a week old. Everyday, I feel like I am getting to know him a little better. It is so strange to think that only a little more than a week ago I had never met him....and now I can't imagine life without him!!! Mike, mom and I celebrated by putting a candle in a lemon bar.

Michael's First Trip to PennFab

Yesterday, Michael took a trip to visit his daddy at work. It was so sweet to see how excited Mike was to see him. He is one proud father!!! Pop, MiMi and Aunt Jillian were all there to greet Michael and help introduce him to the PennFab crew.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Special Delivery

Sharing Michael's delivery with our family was such an amazing moment. It was wonderful to share the miracle of our baby with the people we love. Even Nolan slept in the waiting room waiting for the arrival of his new cousin!! We are so blessed to have such an awesome family.